Skins @ Hive World Terra

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Adding models to Dawn of War: Your model in the Object Editor

In the Object Editor.

Now look in "Dawn of War\ModTools\DataGeneric\roguetrader\Art\EBPs\races\Space_Marines\Troops" for a file named after your unit eg yourunit.sgm. This is the file Max just exported. Notice how the other files have an EBP file and yours does not. This is created by the object editor in the Modtools folder.

Open the Object editor now and select new then select your units sgm file. The object editor will then create a new EBP file but it will empty and there for useless at the moment. It also appears to do another job at this time.

Remember those WTP files I spoke about ? Well if you supplied a full set of textures the game needs it will also create you your WTP files too. No extra work needed. The resulting files are automatically saved off in the right locations. EG the Generic data is saved off in the same place where your SGM file was and the mods own folder also gets a copy of the unit in a format it can use. You do not need to do anything or copy anything across.

One word of warning though, sometimes running the object editor twice causes it to create the original unit you copied in your mod folder as well as the unit you just created. This can sometimes cause one or more units to appear as a purple box. If that happens, go to your mods "mymod\Data_WHM" folder and delete any files that dont belong to your unit from the high, medium and low folders. Any model found in the "Data_Shared_Textures" should be ok. You may be able to delete those too but im not certain. This will fix the problem.

Anyway back to the Object editor. Once the object editor has finished and your model appears in the small window at the center use the default DOW keys to move the model around. You should see your textured model there but the default marine appears as black for some reason.

Click on Anims/motions/actions. Select XREF Anims and select load from then select the Space_Marine.SGM from the "Dawn of War\ModTools\DataGeneric\roguetrader\Art\EBPs\races\Space_Marines\Troops" folder. Then choose all and hit ok.

Select XREF Motions and do the same.

Now you may need to save your unit off at this point and load in the Space_Marine.SGM file. Once you have the Space_Marine.SGM loaded into the object editor select export actions and export an RTR file you can later import for your own unit.

Load your own Unit back into the object editor. Remember what I said about the object editor creating a few extra unwanted files if you load it up twice ? Check for these before loading the game. Or your scouts may look very odd.

Now from the Anims/motions/actions. Select import actions and choose the RTR file you just exported from the standard Space Marine. Remember when I said we will not be covering Animations and Relic said to reuse the existing ones if possible? Well if your model has exactly the same bone names in max as standard model then you can BORROW its animation files as described above rather than recreate all the anims again from scratch. What we just did is borrow the space marines anim hooks since we are using a space marine anyway. If your model used the same bones as the Marine then it should also be able to Borrow the animation hooks of the marine too. We already pinched the marines actual animation files earlier!

All the Animations, Motions and Actions Boxes should now have numbers next them in the window above. Open up the Animations and check them out. Trying clicking on a few and hitting play so you can see what happens.

When your done click on the Anims/motions/actions bar again to shrink it and gain access to the Selected UI tab. Click on it.

Now we are making a unit so we want Display Type changed to circle because we want a green circle around the troops that are selected in the game and not a green square. Do that now. Next we want the scale set to 1.100 for a space marine and the Offset set to 0.00.

Selection volume can be copied from the standard space marine but the values are:
x = 0.700, y = 1.100, z = 0.700
And for the off set
x= 0.000, y = 1.100, z = 0.000

If you're watching your marine model as you do this you will see you're adjusting the box around the Marine by changing these values, so you can see what this is for. Now save off your model in the object editor. Check to see if you have any extra files that dont below to your unit in the "mymod\Data_WHM" folder under high, medium or low.

In a text editor, open the file "Dawn of War\mymod\data\attrib\ebps\races\space_marines\troops/yourunitsfile". Change the line:
"GameData["entity_blueprint_ext"]["animator"] = "Races/Space_Marines/Troops/space_marine"
"GameData["entity_blueprint_ext"]["animator"] = "Races/Space_Marines/Troops/yourunitname"

If you want to get the right name for the "yourunitname" part just look at your units SGM file name and leave out the .SGM part. This points the units config at the model it will be using.


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