Flesh Eaters, Flash Gitz and updated team colours
Posted on 22nd December 2006, 15:25 by IBBoard
With the release of Dark Crusade Caelien has returned and updated the Tau Teamcolours and Eldar Teamcolours. The Tau teamcolours are now designed for the Dark Crusade Tau, while the Eldar schemes have an additional craftworld added from White Dwarf.
Fleshp0int has also updated his Flesh Eaters Space Marines set with a Flesh Eaters Force Commander for Dark Crusade, complete with more vampiric face.
Finally, Adonis had (on request) made a set of Team Colourable skinned Flash Gitz. Although not necessarily fluffy with some schemes, they complement the existing colourable skinned Orks from Havoc and can be used for differing shades and/or war paint.
Thanks to all contributors, and hopefully there should be a submission or two from me soon, along with some screenshot updates.