Skins @ Hive World Terra

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Halved Marines Mod finally released for Dark Crusade!

Posted on 10th May 2007, 20:40 by IBBoard

It took a while and there have been a few delays in testing and release, but the Halved Marines Mod for Dark Crusade has finally been released!

For those who don't know, the Halved Marine Mod adds a second Space Marine race that are identical to the original, except that they use the Halved Space Marine texture. This allows you to field a standard Space Marine set (such as Hangar-8's Golden Eagles) along side some halved schemes.

The mod includes full AI and win conditions, as well as text for all languages and a translation for the French language. Other translation contributions are always welcomed.

Hopefully, with the Halved Marines out of the door, a matching Quartered Marines mod should follow fairly soon!

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If you want to help, then read the Submitting Your Work article