Skins @ Hive World Terra

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IChunky Viewer v1.1 becomes Chunky Editor

Posted on 20th January 2007, 20:38 by IBBoard

A new update for the IChunky Viewer is now available that makes it more of an IChunky Editor!

IChunky Viewer v1.1 now includes the ability to export, import and delete chunks from within a Chunky file, as well as addition an options section to change the path the IChunky Viewer starts in and whether chunks in the tree structure are followed by nothing, their content size (the same as Relic's Chunky Viewer) or the chunk's size including headers.

With the inclusion of editing capabilities, v1.1 also includes the validation of chunky file structure. This validation is easily extensible by anyone who has access to a simple text editor, and three validators are included for WTP, RTX and RSH texture files.

Features planned for later versions include compatibility with REC (game recording) files, editing of chunk content (e.g. editing paths and names) and information on some of the content of chunks in WHM, WHE and other file formats.

The latest version of the IChunky Viewer will always be available at

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