Skins @ Hive World Terra

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New format Downloads URLs

Posted on 4th March 2007, 20:00 by IBBoard

The Downloads section has had a behind-the-scenes makeover and now has a new format URL.

Instead of each download having a unique ID each download has an ID string, with later revisions changing the download version. Also included is the ability to list all versions of a given download.

As an example, the Dawn of War Texture Tool v1.7.4 is now at, while the latest version will always be available as A full list of versions is available by going to

Hopefully the new functionality will make it easier for people to navigate the site and identify what they're looking at. Things still need a bit of aesthetic tidying, but if you have any problems with the new URLs, please contact me.

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Are you artistic? Do you know your real Warhammer 40,000 races? Skins@Hive World Terra needs pattern files, colour schemes, badges and banners for any pre-existing chapters, craftworlds, clans and legions, plus any fitting home made contributions.

If you want to help, then read the Submitting Your Work article