Downloads tagged 'Winter Assault'
Downloads tagged Winter Assault: Content that is known to be compatible with and relevant to the Dawn of War: Winter Assault expansion pack.
- 'Leopard' camo Guardsmen (Imperial Guard)
Version: 1.0 Size: 729KB
Description: An alternate Guardsman camouflage that adds a smoother and more leopard-like camouflage to the clothes.
Rating: 3.2 from 5 votes
Added: 09/04/2006 Downloads: 1403- 112th Cadian badge (Badges and Banners)
Version: 1.0 Size: 1.2KB
Description: A new badge for the 112th Cadians.
Rating: 3.0 from 2 votes
Added: 08/11/2006 Downloads: 1078- 13th Winter Battalion Guardsmen (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 1.8KB
Description: A badge and .teamcolour for the 13th Winter Battalion of the Imperial Guard.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 16/01/2007 Downloads: 1694- 1st 'Midnight Mahem' Imperial Guard (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 10KB
Description: A badge, banner and .teamcolour set for the 1st 'Midnight Mahem' regiment of an unnamed world.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 16/01/2007 Downloads: 1235- 21st Karedian (Team Colours)
Version: 1.0 Size: 509 bytes
Description: The colour scheme for the 21st Karedian regiment.
Rating: 1.0 from 3 votes
Added: 03/01/2008 Downloads: 634- 3rd Legion Noir:Firestormers Chapter (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 51KB
Description: A set of badges, banners and .teamcolour files for <3rdln>Blackwolf's 3rd Legion Noir:Firestormers Chapter Space Marines.
Rating: 3.0 from 1 votes
Added: 28/01/2008 Downloads: 655- 412th Cadian ('Beta') (Team Colours)
Version: 1.1 Size: 712 bytes
Description: Attempted remake of the Imperial Guard scheme as seen in the pre-release Dawn of War: Winter Assault screen shots.
Rating: 0.0 from 2 votes
Added: 25/02/2006 Downloads: 588- 412th Cadian ('Beta') (Team Colours)
Version: 1.0 Size: 517 bytes
Description: Attempted remake of the Imperial Guard scheme as seen in the pre-release Dawn of War: Winter Assault screen shots.
Rating: 1.0 from 1 votes
Added: 28/01/2006 Downloads: 213- 4th edition renegades (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 75KB
Description: An updated set of twenty-three army schemes for Renegade chapters from the 4th Edition Warhammer 40,000.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 15/01/2008 Downloads: 1603- 4th Edition Shoulder Icon/Helmet (Space Marines)
Version: 1.0 Size: 422KB
Description: Alters the normal Space Marines so that they more closely match the new style of armour in Warhammer 40,000 4th Edition
Rating: 3.3 from 10 votes
Added: 14/07/2005 Downloads: 4224- 512th Cadian Orbital Defence (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 18KB
Description: A full badge, banner and teamcolour set for the Imperial Guard regiment, the 512th Cadian Orbital Defence.
Rating: 4.7 from 3 votes
Added: 30/01/2006 Downloads: 1623- 52nd Colth Mobilized (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.1 Size: 21KB
Description: An Imperial Guard scheme for a custom Regiment created by DarkRaptor for a story. The pack contains a variety of colours for the different regiment deployments.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 14/02/2006 Downloads: 878- 52nd Colth Mobilized (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 21KB
Description: An Imperial Guard scheme for a custom Regiment created by DarkRaptor for a story. The pack contains a variety of colours for the different regiment deployments.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 31/01/2006 Downloads: 258- 7th Imperial Calvary (Army Schemes)
Version: 1.0 Size: 18KB
Description: Potentially possible, and not excessively real-world, this Imperial Guard scheme is based on the 7th Air Cavalry.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 05/02/2006 Downloads: 991- 8th Liberators Badge and Banner (Badges and Banners)
Version: 1.0 Size: 14KB
Description: The badge and banner of a custom custom Space Marine chapter called the 8th Liberators.
Rating: 0.0 from 0 votes
Added: 22/06/2006 Downloads: 1513