Skins @ Hive World Terra

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Modular win conditions released

While making the Halved Marine Mod for Dark Crusade (progress reports available in a HWT Forums thread) I investigated Finaldeath's Modularised win conditions.

The new win conditions make it much easier to combine race mods by making the win conditions generic and making them load race-specific files. Unfortunately the latest release had an error in them that caused SCAR errors if win conditions weren't loaded in the correct combinations. The only community patch separated everything out in to win condition specific files, which wasn't the optimal choice.

This set of modularised win condition files provides a working set of generic win conditions, a template file for new races and a readme so that people can use a common generalised set of win conditions to make multi-race mods simpler to create.

By IBBoard on 17th February 2007, 15:31

Templar Brothers army scheme released

Sgt.Roadkill has created and released another custom chapter scheme - the Templar Brothers. Much like the Black Templars they are a crusading chapter, although their orange and blue livery may appeal more to those who don't like the dark colours of the Black Templars.

By IBBoard on 8th February 2007, 22:05

MEGAzogg specularity packs removed

Following an announcement on the Relic News forums and a personal email from MEGAzogg, I have now removed his specularity packs from the website.

It's a shame to lose the packs, and there were more that I still intended to mirror at some point, but MEGAzogg has good reason to remove his skins. Stolen work is never something people want to endure, and I hope this can be resolved, or at least prove a point to stop it happening too many more times in the future.

MEGAzogg's other downloads (items other than specularity packs) are still available on his authors page.

By IBBoard on 6th February 2007, 19:43

Coloured topknot Orks added

Towards the end of the weekend Alpha Omega submitted a Orks with team coloured topknots texture pack. As well as changing topknot colour it also makes the Ork eyes a more fluffy red rather than team colourable. It may only be a small change, but I'm sure it will be an important change for some people.

By IBBoard on 6th February 2007, 19:28

Angels Belligerent released

There has been a little delay since they first showed up with a temporary link to a download, but vol_907's Angels Belligerent texture pack for the DoWXP Mod has now been added to the Mod Skins category.

The skin makes very few changes to normal skirmishes, but does replace the campaign texture one of the team colour disabled skirmish textures.

By IBBoard on 4th February 2007, 16:32

Weekend update - Pattern Switcher and Grey Knights

Following a few days of real life that stopped me doing much with the website, I have now managed to get an update in.

JuggernautRM's Team Colourable Grey Knights are now available for download. Chknslvdrvr made a similar set a while ago, but as always there will be some personal differences between the two that some people will prefer over the other.

Also updated is the Pattern Switcher. Following a comment on v2.1, it turned out that the config screen wasn't adding slashes to the end of folders when they were specified using the "Browse" buttons. This has now been fixed and Pattern Switcher v2.1.1 now correctly sets paths without you having to click in to the box and back out again.

By IBBoard on 3rd February 2007, 14:37

Four army schemes from Sgt.Roadkill

Sgt.Roadkill has now updated three of his army schemes (packs including badges, banners and .teamcolours for a single Chapter/Legion/Craftworld/Clan etc) for the Black Panthers, Blood Dragons and Phoenix Legion.

Sgt.Roadkill has also moved in to official Games Workshop chapters and released a new Marines Errant army scheme.

By IBBoard on 29th January 2007, 19:53

Texture Tool v1.7.4 released - more bug fixing

Following some bug reports on the Relic News Forums, a new release of the Dawn of War Texture Tool has been made. Texture Tool v1.7.4 is now available, and fixes RTX compilation and extraction of at least one RSH (only the Space Marine Skull Probe is known to have encountered issues with previous versions).

Apologies for the releases in quick succession, but hopefully the next release should be for improved features instead of removed bugs!

By IBBoard on 28th January 2007, 13:25

Texture Tool v1.7.3 released - fixing multi-compile

Shortly after the release of 1.7.2, Texture Tool v1.7.3 has now been released. The latest version fixes a minor issue that causes a WTP file to be compiled multiple times when multiple TGAs that make up the WTP are selected in the "Make WTP" file window.

By IBBoard on 27th January 2007, 19:38

Texture Tool v1.7.1 released - minor fixes

Following reports on the Relic News Forums about some minor problems compiling a TGA from a WTP in some situations I have now released the Dawn of War Texture Tool v1.7.2. Most people won't need the update, but if you work with 24-bit badges/banners (RGB without Alpha) then it may be a useful update.

By IBBoard on 27th January 2007, 13:26

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Help Us!

Are you artistic? Do you know your real Warhammer 40,000 races? Skins@Hive World Terra needs pattern files, colour schemes, badges and banners for any pre-existing chapters, craftworlds, clans and legions, plus any fitting home made contributions.

If you want to help, then read the Submitting Your Work article