Skins @ Hive World Terra

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Server outage last night

Apologies to anyone who tried to access the site between around 11pm GMT last night and 8:30am GMT this morning and encountered the "509: Bandwidth Exceeded" message. Unfortunately I was not keeping a close enough eye on the bandwidth usage due to real-life and didn't order additional bandwidth before it was all used!

I caught the problem at about 8:15am today and by 8:30am the host had added the additional bandwidth I requested. We should now be back in business until the end of the month (unless there's a large and unexpected surge and I don't catch that either!)

Despite the fact that the site was unavailable for a while, thanks to everyone who contributes, comments and downloads for making this site the home of great Dawn of War skins, badges, banners, mods, tutorials and more!

By IBBoard on 25th January 2007, 13:30

SGA Explorer v1.1 now released

In a weekend of tool updates and Dawn of War work, I've now released an updated version of the SGA Explorer.

SGA Explorer v1.1 lets you open and extract files from Dawn of War and Company of Heroes SGA files (v2 and v4 of the file format) as well as extracting only specific types of file. Additional features and improved efficiency are also planned for later versions.

The latest version of the SGA Explorer will always be available at

By IBBoard on 21st January 2007, 16:10

IChunky Viewer v1.1 becomes Chunky Editor

A new update for the IChunky Viewer is now available that makes it more of an IChunky Editor!

IChunky Viewer v1.1 now includes the ability to export, import and delete chunks from within a Chunky file, as well as addition an options section to change the path the IChunky Viewer starts in and whether chunks in the tree structure are followed by nothing, their content size (the same as Relic's Chunky Viewer) or the chunk's size including headers.

With the inclusion of editing capabilities, v1.1 also includes the validation of chunky file structure. This validation is easily extensible by anyone who has access to a simple text editor, and three validators are included for WTP, RTX and RSH texture files.

Features planned for later versions include compatibility with REC (game recording) files, editing of chunk content (e.g. editing paths and names) and information on some of the content of chunks in WHM, WHE and other file formats.

The latest version of the IChunky Viewer will always be available at

By IBBoard on 20th January 2007, 20:38

Five new army schemes

Five new army schemes are now available, four of which are from one of our more recent contributors - Sgt.Roadkill.

Newly added tonight are an update to Sgt.Roadkill's Blood Dragon Space Marines plus Phoenix Legion Space Marines, Vidian 9th: 'The Dragons' Imperial Guard and the Heretical Brotherhood renegade Imperial Guard regiment.

New from MEGAzogg is a White Panthers army scheme for the official Games Workshop Space Marine chapter.

Thanks to both contributors, and I hope everyone enjoys the new files.

By IBBoard on 18th January 2007, 20:49

Six new army schemes/team colours

Newly added today are five new army schemes (badges, banners and .teamcolours) and one pack of .teamcolours.

All of the contributions are from new authors, with Sgt.Roadkill submitting a Blood Dragons and Black Panthers Space Marine army scheme, and Dragon93 submitting three Imperial Guard schemes and a pack of five Necron .teamcolours.

Thanks to both for their contributions.

By IBBoard on 16th January 2007, 19:27

Texture Tool v1.7.1 released

The latest version of the Dawn of War Texture Tool has now been released. The Texture Tool v1.7.1 fixes issues with extracted TGA images in The GIMP and with minor teamcolour changes not being savable from the options.

Thanks to everyone who has reported any issues, provided feedback or is otherwise using and enjoying the tool.

By IBBoard on 14th January 2007, 15:37

Flesh Tearers Space Marines

In a generally fleshy theme we now have a Flesh Tearers Space Marine skin to follow on from the recent Flesh Eaters sets.

Inq_Raziel has released the new texture, which is based on Hangar-8's Golden Eagles set, to fit yet another Space Marine chapter heraldry, and hopefully we'll see more from him.

By IBBoard on 7th January 2007, 19:29

External downloads locked down

Having just investigated our site logs it appears that some sites have been linking directly to downloads rather than to the download page.

Although this may make it one click quicker for users to download files, it means that they do not see the description or screenshots, and do not necessarily know where they are downloading the file from. It is for this reason that downloads from external sites have now been more securely locked down.

From now on all downloads coming directly from external sites without going via the downloads page will result in an error message. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but hope that people will understand and link to the download page instead of the download.

By IBBoard on 7th January 2007, 16:28

Team Colourable Dreadnought released

The first texture of the new year has now been released, although only because I received the submission before the new year and only noticed it was still pending today!

The Team Colourable Dreadnought was created on request from Crystalking by Fleshp0int and is now available in our Space Marine downloads area.

By IBBoard on 6th January 2007, 12:05

Pattern Switcher v2.1 released

While working with the Pattern Switcher I noticed that although the new preferences format was loading correctly, it wasn't saving correctly. It turned out it was saving correctly, but the values weren't updated before saving, so it didn't think it had anything to save!

This has now been solved, and a few other minor tweaks have been put into the Pattern Switcher to make the Dawn of War Pattern Switcher v2.1.

By IBBoard on 30th December 2006, 17:13

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Help Us!

Are you artistic? Do you know your real Warhammer 40,000 races? Skins@Hive World Terra needs pattern files, colour schemes, badges and banners for any pre-existing chapters, craftworlds, clans and legions, plus any fitting home made contributions.

If you want to help, then read the Submitting Your Work article