Skins @ Hive World Terra

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Missing thumbnails fixed

Following our recent host move I noticed that some of the thumbnail images were missing. I've now fixed the problem and all images should now be available. Sorry to anyone who was expecting thumbnails and couldn't see them!

By IBBoard on 29th June 2006, 17:43

Skins At HWT has moved host

Apologies for any inconvenience (mainly for anyone trying to add any downloads) but Skins@HWT has now moved to a new server.

The old server was getting overloaded, and our old host had introduced some strange new things into their Terms of Service that stopped us hosting some of our downloads. The new host, A Small Orange, has a much more reasonable Terms of Service and doesn't overload its servers.

If anyone sees any remaining niggling issues, please contact me.

By IBBoard on 27th June 2006, 08:10

Coloured 412th Cadian banner added

Newly submitted and approved is Reaper_3_Delta's 412th Cadian banner. Based on the original banner from Dawn of War:Winter Assault, this 'coloured' banner keeps the image but makes it more colourful.

Thanks to Reaper_3_Delta for the submission, and hopefully other people will feel the original banner was too plain as well.

By IBBoard on 24th June 2006, 12:56

Screenshot update

Due to the fact that I've often been busy with other projects while uploading files, and that the authors did not include screenshots or links to them, several downloads have been missing example screenshots for a while now.

All has been corrected, though, and screenshots should now be available for all downloads! Enjoy.

By IBBoard on 23rd June 2006, 16:20

A suggestion from Hands of Fate

Hands of Fate, who has submitted several files to Skins@HWT, has just posted a general comment to all file submitters.

As well as Hand of Fate's suggestion of including screenshots to show off your contribution, it'd also be great if people could include readmes with installation instructions, relevant disclaimers and contact details. I'll post an article on appropriate disclaimers for inclusion in readmes soon.

By IBBoard on 23rd June 2006, 11:23

Four new downloads

Thanks to a variety of submitters, we now have four new downloads. There was a slight delay with approving some of them due to the fact that I have been away from my computer on a recruitment assessment centre, but they are now available.

First up is Nate Waters' great personal scheme for Arhalathain - The Midnight Storm, an Eldar faction he uses in table-top Warhammer 40,000.

Briarus has now submitted his seventh file in the form of the Silver Eagles Space Marines.

Kokuten, who is also a Hive World Terra forum member, has also submitted a custom-army scheme for his table top army: the 8th Liberators Space Marines. The colour scheme is the one used it his forum avatar.

Finally, Skritz has released a pack of Inquisitor colour schemes. Although the pack doesn't include badges and banners (as they are ones Skritz found) I can definitely recommend the Grey Knights from Hangar-8's collection.

As with the last update, I'll be adding screenshots and images as soon as possible.

By IBBoard on 22nd June 2006, 22:03

Declined download

Despite having a number of approvable downloads, and various links detailing what is and isn't acceptable on this site due to legal restrictions from Games Workshop, I have just declined another download.

The "LOK: soul reaver banner and badge" download from blabsy (which was, in fact, a .teamcolour file) has been declined as the original submission did not comply with our submission guidelines, and the file did not match the description in any way, shape or form.

The file can now be found listed on the declined downloads page, along with all other declined downloads.

By IBBoard on 22nd June 2006, 22:03

Alpha Legion Update

Dakka!Dakka! has very quickly returned with some updated Alpha Legion sets. The Alpha Legion v1.1 army scheme is now available. There is also a v1.2 scheme that is still pending on Dakka!Dakka! contacting the site, but hopefully it will be released soon.

By IBBoard on 17th June 2006, 09:40

Three new 'Army Schemes'

Newly approved are three of what we call 'army schemes' - a pack containing more than just a badge, banner or teamcolour file.

Firstly, Briarus has contributed yet another army scheme pack in the form of an updated Renegades pack. Now including two extra renegade chapters, and lots more badges and banners, this pack is certainly worth a look for those not wanting the normal Chaos legions.

We've also received some contributions from a new member called Dakka!Dakka!. Despite his name, the contributions are both for the Space Marines! The first, the Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion, is our second Pre-Heresy set for the once-loyal legion. The second, the Dark Hands Space Marines, are known from the Insignium Astartes background book. Both are promising downloads, and hopefully Dakka!Dakka! will be able to make updated versions with banners to really complete the sets.

Thanks to both authors for submitting their work, and I hope we'll see more contributions soon.

By IBBoard on 14th June 2006, 19:14

Three more quick textures

The last of my current flurry of 'by request' textures are now available, one each for the Eldar, Space Marines and Orks.

The Ork Looted Leman Russ texture is a minor update to make the white skull glyph team colourable. The Space Marines get a new pre-1.4 style skin that keeps the eyes team colourable while also making the barrel, nozzle and canister of the flamer colourable. Finally, the Eldar Grav Platform with colourable crystals makes the crystals on the end of the Bright Lance team colourable, just like they are on the Wraithlord.

Once again, these minor modifications to the skins were done on request, but hopefully other people will like them. A good number of people have already downloaded yesterday's new releases!

By IBBoard on 12th June 2006, 20:13

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Help Us!

Are you artistic? Do you know your real Warhammer 40,000 races? Skins@Hive World Terra needs pattern files, colour schemes, badges and banners for any pre-existing chapters, craftworlds, clans and legions, plus any fitting home made contributions.

If you want to help, then read the Submitting Your Work article